B.F.L.A. breaks ground on new headquarters
The Belize Family Life Association conducted a ground breaking ceremony this afternoon and unveiled its plans for a new headquarters. The organisation, located on the old Belize City Hospital compound, will eventually move to a new location behind Pallotti High. According to B.F.L.A.’s Executive Director Jewel Quallo Rosberg, they also intend to provide additional health care services.
Jewel Quallo Rosberg, Executive Director, B.F.L.A.
“Belize Family Life Association has focused its services on sexual and reproductive health and that includes everything to do with that, pap smears, self breast exams, we teach women to do that. We do family planning, we do counselling around that and we do gender relations.
With our new building what we’ve done is to separate our services into our building. So the first floor is going to be used for clinical activities, laboratory services and all the clinical services. We are opening a small operating theatre and a pharmacy. On the second floor we are going to be offering all youth programmes and services. So we’ll have youth clinics, we’ll have a resource centre as well as a gym and a male clinic on the second floor. On the third floor will be our administrative headquarters.”
Construction work should start next month and Rosberg expects the building to be completed by June 2002.