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Jun 1, 2001

Police entertain residents of Sr. Cecilia Home

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As Belizeans, we have come to associate the police with law and order, not to mention the violent environment that often comes with the territory. Today a gentler side of the police personality was served up when they dined with Belize’s golden citizens of the Sister Cecilia Home for the Elderly. According to Sergeant Gilbert Pitts, the visit is just a small part of Police Week.

Sgt. Gilbert Pitts, Zone Beat Liaison Officer

“We’ve brought the food for the Sister Cecilia Home, and we have officers that came by and served these people. We could have chosen another place, but we chose here because we notice we have the elderly, and they don’t get the opportunity to see the police work, and this is one way we can show them that the police is always there for them. These people, we consider harmless, and even though they’re harmless, they still sometimes find themselves the victims. So we want to assure them that we’re here and we’ll be out and everywhere possible. It gives us a nice feeling to know that we’re helping the elderly.”

Fifty-three residents: twenty-nine women and twenty-four men call the Sister Cecilia facility home.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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