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Home » Foreign Affairs » US ambassador weighs in on gov’t takeover of Telemedia
Oct 27, 2009

US ambassador weighs in on gov’t takeover of Telemedia

Story PictureEarlier in the newscast we told about today’s press conference with U.S. Ambassador Thummalapally. The head of the mission touched on a wide range of issues including the August compulsorily acquisition of Telemedia. The United States is known to frown on countries that have a history of nationalizing private companies. So how does the U.S. government view the takeover of Telemedia? The ambassador said in the least, it raised a lot of eyebrows.

Vinai Thummalapally, US Ambassador to Belize
“The United states views the B.T.L. takeover by the government of Belize with some concern in that the United States hopes and expects Belize to conduct itself in a respectful fashion. We believe that’s going to happen in terms of compensating the shareholders appropriately and follow all the international rules and regulations and laws. So it kind of raised a lot of eyebrows when that happened, but clearly we do not have a position or a stance or a huge concern in that at this point. We believe that the government of Belize will conduct itself in a proper manner.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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