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Apr 20, 2009

Belmopan businesswoman disappears

Story PictureThere are a few homicides that Belmopan Police have been unable to solve, including the March thirteenth murder of twelve year old Saida Noemi Godoy Veliz of Frank’s Eddy Village and the slaying of Police Constable, Weiner Denis on March twenty-sixth. Now there is a new case to add to the growing list: it involves a businesswoman who seems to have simply vanished into thin air. Sixty-six year old Rosa Cristina Cornejo, originally from El Salvador, owns and operates one of the stores in the Belmopan Market Square. She was discovered missing around eight-thirty on Saturday morning by her helper who showed up to work at Cornejo’s home on Calle Las Americas in the Salvapan area of Belmopan. When she arrived at the residence, the helper observed that Cornejo’s front gate was wide open, as was her back door – something unusual for the businesswoman. The chain and padlock on the gate were also missing. Inside, there was no evidence of a struggle or that anything was stolen, but Cornejo’s 1997 Nissan Extra-cab pick-up truck was not parked in front of her home. Strangely enough, that vehicle was found around eleven on Sunday morning on a feeder road between miles forty-six and forty-seven near Rio Cocos Resort on the Western Highway. Again there were no signs that it was ransacked or that anything was stolen and locked inside, police found the vehicle keys. While they have nothing concrete to establish their theory, police believe that Cornejo was at home alone on Friday night when someone she might have known showed up. She was either lured into a trap or threatened, which would explain why there were no signs of a struggle. Up to news time, Belmopan police have detained two men, including one of Cornejo’s past employees. But so far they have not yet established whether the businesswoman was kidnapped or worse. So now they are depending on you to call the nearest police station if you have any information about the whereabouts of Rosa Cornejo.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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