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Apr 20, 2009

Fuel prices at the pump go up once again

Story PictureIf you have been to the gas stations you would have felt another pinch in your pocket with the second increase in the price of fuel at the pump for this month. Only three weeks ago, on April first, the price of fuel was raised by a dollar and thirty-five cents. And since that had already exceeded the expected dollar increase, customers were surprised that another price hike came so soon. The new price of premium gasoline is up thirty-one cents at seven dollars sixty-six cents. Regular rose by the same amount and is now being sold for seven dollars thirty cents while diesel took a forty-four cent jump, bringing the price up to six dollars thirteen cents. News Five went to the pumps today to find out how consumers are taking the increase.

Driver #1
“I noh happy wid di price weh gone up because right now nothing noh go on fi we taxi man out yah. Six dollars fi wah drop and now how much fi di gas we noh di mek nothing right now.”

Delahnie Bain
“So your price gwein up?”

Driver #1
“Yeah, cause si how much ih gone up and one run dehn not even want pay six dollars.”

Driver #2
“Well, we as cab drivers we noh really feel well bout it but we have to accept it because den ih come een kinda stiff fi we due to weh we, as local cab drivers, we can’t tax di people wah higher price dan six bucks so we just have to sit and flow wid di tide, di way how dehn operate.”

Driver #3
“Well, it’s not so good because what happen, the economy is not good right now. So with this problem here, it doesn’t give to go and work again.”

Driver #4
“This is really not fair to the people because government promised us that it will raise by one dollar starting the first of April and it had already gone up four days before to about seventy cents higher and then it went up a dollar again, that’s one-seventy. Then now we went up again by thirty-two cents again.”

Delahnie Bain
“You think it’s going to end up back at ten and eleven dollars?”

Driver #4
“I believe so. I believe so; it will soon reach there in maybe six months or eight months.”

The new prices took effect on Sunday.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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