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Home » Trials » Husband, wife and son-in-law busted with 2 ounces of weed
Oct 27, 2009

Husband, wife and son-in-law busted with 2 ounces of weed

After an early morning bust, police carted off a husband and wife, along with their son-in-law and his friend to the Queen Street police station. At around eight this morning, the cops searched the home of Albert Davis, but when they did not find anything incriminating, they took their hunt for illegal drugs and firearm out to the yard. That’s where they found a black plastic containing two and a half ounces of weed hidden inside the dog house. Albert Davis, his wife Lisa, their son-in-law Fredrick Dougal, and his friend Leon Kenworth were present at the time of the search and were all detained. When the four appeared in court this morning, they were unrepresented and each faced a single charged of Drug Trafficking. But to spare his sick wife the drama of court and possible jail time, Davis took the rap and pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of Possession. The charges against the others were withdrawn after Davis’ guilty plea. Meanwhile, he asked the court for leniency because he has six children to take care of and was fined one thousand, five hundred dollars instead of a custodial sentence.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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