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Apr 17, 2009

Far West Street man murdered in front his home

Story PictureThere is another homicide to report tonight that claimed the life of a thirty-four year old man in Belize City. Around six p.m. on Thursday, two brothers in the comfort of their home were pounced on by masked men, and minutes later one was dead. The latest murder victim succumbed to a stab wound to the neck and investigators have established that the motive for the murder was robbery. Duane Moody has the details.

Duane Moody Reporting
Shawn Thompson, known to family and friends as ‘Gary’, was socializing with his brother and cyclist, Derrick Mahler, at the doorstep of their family home located on Far West Street when they were assaulted by two attackers. A struggle ensued and one of the attackers inflicted the fatal stab to the left side of Thompson’s neck. He staggered into the street where eyewitness, Kareem Lopez, says he later died in his arms.

Kareem Lopez, Eyewitness
“The guy was stabbed two times when they came to rob the family over there. And so I came and pick up the guy and put him in the vehicle cause our neighbor upstairs there had the vehicle. We put him in the vehicle and I was like Gary, wake up Gary! He had two stabs and we was holding a cloth on his throat right to stop the bleeding and by the time we already reach hospital he had already deceased, he died.”

Duane Moody
“Apparently, I understand that there were two minors and they were kinda circling the area for a while before the attacked happened?”

Kareem Lopez
“Yes sir. Young people giving trouble around the neighborhood because this is not the first time it happened around the neighborhood. It happen all the time.”

And according to brother, Keith Mahler, this is the second sibling he has lost.

Keith Mahler, Brother of Deceased
“Just this morning I know ih dead right, so I can’t say nothing more. Just another brother got killed that’s all I can say—a second one. In five years time, two brothers murdered.”

Officer in Charge of C.I.B., Julio Valdez, says that the murder weapon was retrieved from the scene.

Julio Valdez, O.C., C.I.B.
“Initial investigations revealed that he was along with his brother in their house when apparently two persons approached them and apparently the motive was robbery. Eventually, a struggle ensued between them. One of the male persons ran away, he was set chase and when the other brother, when he came back to the residence, he found his brother with the stab wounds to his body. He was rushed to the hospital for treatment but he succumbed to his injuries shortly after. During the course of the investigation, we recovered a stainless steel knife from the scene with blood stains we believe is the murder weapon used where the injuries were infringed on Mr. Shawn Thompson. A gun was pulled and that’s where the struggle ensued and the one with the gun ran out and was set chase by the brother.”

Duane Moody
“Is it true that that gun belonged to Mr. Mahler?”

Julio Valdez
“I’m not sure; we are unable to say at this time.”

Duane Moody
“And that gun cannot be found at this point in time?”

Julio Valdez
“I’m not sure. We haven’t found no gun and we know a gun was pulled but we cannot say which kind of gun or who the gun belonged to at this time.”

Police are currently looking for two suspects including one who made good his escape taking Mahler’s gold rings, chain and cellular phone. Duane Moody, reporting for News Five.

Derrick Mahler, who was also attacked returned to Belize recently from the U.S. to compete in this year’s Cross Country Classic Cycling Race.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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