Faber Says Mark King’s Application for Chairman is a Joke
Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte has submitted his application for U.D.P. Party Chairman to succeed Alberto August, who has served in that post since 2013 and is going down a notch vying to become deputy chairman. This morning, John Saldivar, contender for the U.D.P. leadership, posted support for Peyrefitte. But later in the day, Mark King announced he wants back in the fold and run as chairman challenging Peyrefitte. King, is a former area representative of Lake Independence, but fell from graces and was disallowed from running in the Fort George Division so it is not known if his candidacy will hold for next year’s convention. At the time, King’s ire was against Patrick Faber publicly lashing out at the D.P.M. for blocking his bid. In a letter to the Secretary General of the U.D.P. posted on Facebook today, King takes a swipe at Faber and John Saldivar saying none of the two can fill the shoes of outgoing leader and PM, Dean Barrow. King goes on to say that the party and government are facing allegations and public scrutiny and anyone wanting to become leader must be very clean. After reciting his past work with the U.D.P., King says that if allowed to run, he swears he will play by the rules and offered support to anyone else who would win. We’ll see how his application plays out which according to Faber, is a joke.
Patrick Faber, Deputy Party Leader, U.D.P.
“I have no knowledge of that. But I won’t even justify that or give that any time. That has got to be a joke. We are looking for serious contenders only and we are looking for people who really have the best interest of the party at heart and so I don’t think that that will go anywhere.”