Baptized and Sent: A Youth Rally for the Catholic Faith
One of biggest rallies involving young people was held today at the Civic Center. Similar events have been held the world over as part of the Catholic Church’s Extraordinary Month of Mission. The events took place for the entire month of October as a time dedicated to prayer and reflection. The rally culminates a series of activities in which Catholics undertook voluntary missionary work in communities. News Five’s Isani Cayetano reports.
Tessa Habet, Youth Presenter
“It’s very exciting and overwhelming in a good way to see so many people here who are open to being impacted by the events today.”
Isani Cayetano, Reporting
Quite possibly the largest gathering of adolescent students since the beginning of the new school year, today’s faith-based rally at the Civic Center is a congregation of the young Catholic flock.
Abraham Obando, Parishioner, Divine Mercy Church
“Bishop had in his heart, you know, that he wanted to have something for the youths. But, you know, in late September he said, “Look.” I asked him, “Bishop, what do you have in your heart for Mission Month.” And he said, “I’d like to have a big event for them and bring them together so that they can see their Catholic faith alive, that it’s alive and kicking.”
October 2019 was designated by Pope Francis as an Extraordinary Month of Mission the world over. It has been a special month of prayer and action and calls everyone of Catholic faith to renew their missionary commitment. The theme for the celebration is “Baptized and Sent: The Church of Christ on Mission in the World”. Tessa Habet shared a moving testimony with her peers at the gathering.
Tessa Habet
“I was just talking about how my life was before my conversion, how my conversion happened and how it’s been like ever since and I think that it can be impact because people can relate to it and identify with it and that way they might be inspired to continue in the good path.”
Isani Cayetano
“How important is faith for young people, in your opinion?”
Tessa Habet
“I think it’s very important because there is so much out there, so many lies in the world and if you have faith and if you have a proper foundation then that can really make you have purpose and find your place in the world.”
And finding one’s place begins with a personal journey through faith, one that Tessa has proudly embarked upon. In the broader Christian context, Mission Month has seen outreach across all communities, Belize is no different.
Abraham Obando
“All the churches, all the Catholic churches throughout the world have been celebrating, have been out in the streets to take Jesus to those who most need it. Like Jesus said, go feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the people in prison. Go out and pray. Pope Francis has called us to go out and be witnesses of our faith, so that is what we’ve been doing and this is basically just a closing event for Belize. Throughout the month, the Catholic Church in Belize has been going out and doing missionary work, you know, we’ve been to Maskall; we’ve been throughout that Old Road. People have been going out in Belize City, going to the hospitals, visiting the people in our neighborhoods, you know taking foods to people in Gungulung and Belama Phase Four and so forth.”
Reporting for News Five, I am Isani Cayetano.