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Nov 5, 2019

Climate Change and Ecosystem-based Adaptation

The Caribbean Community Climate Change Center and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity are hosting the first of a series of regional dialogue sessions aimed at raising awareness and identifying opportunities for ensuring that nature-based solutions are included in climate change mitigation and resilience building at the national level.  The dialogue will include the sharing of experiences relating to recognizing the role for eco-system-based approaches in climate-related work at the country level.  Carlos Fuller is the International Liaison Officer with the Five Cs.


Carlos Fuller

Carlos Fuller, International Liaison Officer, CCCCC

“Under climate change, one of the significant ways we can adapt top climate change is through using ecosystem-based adaptation, that is through using the natural resources of the country to adapt to climate change.  So, for example, how can you use our mangroves?  How can you use your coral reefs, your protected areas?  Those things, if you can build the resilience of that your natural ecosystems can then help you to adapt to climate change.”


Isani Cayetano

“Now we’re looking at participants from across Central America and the Caribbean, what is the primary focus of this four-day workshop and what are some of the issues being discussed in respect of climate change?”


Carlos Fuller

“Well, the primary idea is to exchange information on what one country is doing and how we can learn from the other countries because obviously, when you are working with your own ecosystems you may not see what’s occurring in your neighboring country, Panama, in Belize, or in the Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, so it’s exchange of information.  Also, what were the challenges that you faced and those a country have that challenge and have they overcome that challenge?  So the idea is to share that information, but then also, even within a country to share experiences among each other because the climate change community in a country might not be knowing what the biodiversity community is doing in the same country.  So it’s to share information also at the national level.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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