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Apr 15, 2009

Belizean policemen provide security at Summit

And still on the summit, the security arrangements are intricate and elaborate for the thirty-four regional leaders and other luminaries, including Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon, who are expected to attend the event. The region has been providing support to Trinidad and Tobago to ensure that the Summit is safe and incident free. A Belizean contingent has been in Port of Spain for about a month training as part of the security detail. This morning’s Open Your Eyes breakfast show featured the troops on duty in Port of Spain as they get acquainted with the law in islands. Marleni Cuellar had an early morning chat with Assistant Superintendent Roy Joseph and Sergeant Juanito Cocom about their experience.

Asst. Supt. Roy Joseph, Commander, Belize Forces
“For many of the guys it is a learning experience; one, they get to work with other Caribbean brothers and sisters and two, they understand what it’s like to be a police from another country working in a different country. For me it’s nothing strange because I’ve been coming out to these types of showings; I’ve been working with Caribbean brothers and sisters for many years.”

Marleni Cuellar
“I understand you guys have been here for some time and there’s been a training process that’s been happening for the past couple weeks. What kind of activities have you been undertaking?”

Asst. Supt. Roy Joseph
“Well, the Belize detachment has been here for a little over a month and the police have been training and they have received training in the area of traffic and crowd control, humanitarian laws, rules of engagement. They have been manning key point and perimeter security along with firearm training.”

Sgt. Juanito Cocom, Shift Commander
“We have a twenty-four hours shift basis. We have each shift is eight hours and each sergeant is in charge of each shift for the Belize contingency.”

Marleni Cuellar
“And you are in charge of one of those shifts. What kind of responsibilities does that carry?”

Sgt. Juanito Cocom
“I have very much a lot of responsibilities. I have to ensure that my men are posted at their key points so that they are to perform duties and from there I have to be moving around to see that my men are—everything is in order with them; provide food for them, water for them when the need arises and at the time of coming off duty I have to pick up each of my men and bring them back to this location.”

Marleni Cuellar
“What kind of locations are they posted at here in Trinidad?”

Sgt. Juanito Cocom
“Mostly at hotels where the diplomats will be staying.”

The soldiers will return to Belize on April twenty-fourth. Stay tuned to Channel Five’s continued coverage of the Fifth Summit of the Americas from Port of Spain with William Neal and Marleni Cuellar. This coming Friday Open Your Eyes will bring you live interviews with Belizeans studying in Trinidad.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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