What Determines the Decision of the Public Utilities Commission?
According to Commission Chair, John Avery, there were several factors that were taken into consideration. An analysis of the data showed that BWSL benefited handsomely from revenues collected by between the period 2014 and 2018 and those figures were presented in the draft decision released today.
John Avery, Chairman, P.U.C.
“This is the first rate review that we are doing in five years and so for the corrections, we had to go back to all periods that were not previously reconciled. So we went back to 2013/14 and we therefore reconciled six years for this rate review and the net result is that in ‘13/14, there was a shortfall in revenues of roughly seven hundred and eighty-nine million. In ‘14/15, there was a shortfall again in roughly three point two million. But then there were surpluses for the four years following: in ‘15/16, the surplus was three point seven-three million; in 2016/17, it was four point seven-one million; in 2017/18, it was one point five-three million and in ‘18/19, it was one point three-eight million. And so the net effect of that for the six years is that there was a surplus in revenues of seven point three-six million in favour of BWS and that is being rebated over the next five-year period.”
There is a fifteen-day window in which written comments can be submitted to the P.U.C. on the initial decision that has been taken. If there are no objections, then this draft decision will be adopted as the final decision.