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Nov 18, 2019

The Lineup for November 19th is Here!!

At the Bliss tonight, the grand finale of KTV Latino takes place at 8:30 among a host of other activities. Meanwhile the annual Nineteenth of November festivities also get underway tonight across the country, with activities being held in every municipality.  Here in Belize City all roads lead to Lirisi Garifunaduo Restaurant where the celebration of Garifuna Settlement Day has been centralized. Tonight at nine o’clock, a massive punta and paranda concert featuring C-Wills, Aziatic, and Aurelio Martinez kicks off on the big stage and that goes through the night and into Tuesday morning where a re-enactment of the arrival of the Garinagu to the shores of Belize is scheduled to take place. Adette Nolberto-Tillett is the proprietor of the famous Garifuna restaurant.


Adette Nolberto-Tillett, Proprietor, Lirisi Garifunaduo Restaurant

Adette Nolberto-Tillett

“We go til five a.m., once we’re done at Lirisi we do a procession from Lirisi up the street to the pier where the persons who will actually be participating in the Yurumein re-enactment will enter the boats and leave from that pier, come out by BelCan.  We do another procession from BelCan to St. Martin’s Church.  We have our mass and after that mass is completed we do a procession from St. Martin’s back to Lirisi’s compound.  That’s where we’re going to be doing the official ceremony for tomorrow and then we take a slight break to get everybody ready and then we start with the first John Canoe contest.  Tomorrow, we’re actually having about six John Canoe contest and that will take us to the last two persons and we will do a competition between those two persons to crown the first ever Mr. Lirisi John Canoe winner.  This all takes place on the stage.  So we have the John Canoe contest, we have of course the hudut eating contest.  I’ve had a lot of requests about persons wanting to enter and we have live cassava bread making demonstration.  We also have demonstrations of the different Garifuna dances throughout the course of the day.  C-Wills comes on at around 3:15, himself and his band and after C-Wills is done, we do the final John Canoe contest and once we have crowned Mr. Lirisi we then move on to live drumming, live singing and end the day off with live drumming and live singing. So it’s jam-packed.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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