“After the Storm” premiers tonight
It is the latest in a not too long line of screen epics filmed on location in Belize. “After the Strom” was shot in Placencia, San Pedro and Belize City last year and makes its television debut tonight on the USA cable network. Last year around this time News 5’s Jacqueline Woods visited the set in search of stars, both local and foreign.
Jacqueline Woods, Reporting
Since late February the production crew of Trimark Pictures of Los Angeles has been in the country shooting at various locations for their latest film, “After The Storm.”
Jacqueline Woods
“Why was Belize chosen?”
Guy Ferland, Movie Director
“It’s about a treasure hunt, it takes place in 1933 and most of it takes place on the water and it’s about four people who compete for treasure. It was written by an author named A. Hotchner and it’s based on a Ernest Hemmingway short story.”
“Because it’s set in the Bahamas in 1933 and I felt Belize had enough of the architecture and the water locations that weren’t completely developed like the Bahamas did.”
The movie crew has shot scenes in Placencia, San Pedro and this week they have been in Belize City. Filming is scheduled to finish this weekend and the movie is expected to be released on the USA Cable Network sometime after September. Guy Ferland the movie’s director told News Five that the shoot has been demanding but the production remains on schedule.
Guy Ferland
“It’s been good we’re almost at the end, it’s been very, very challenging. Really difficult long hours and whenever you’re shooting with water involved, it’s very difficult but this is our 4th day to the end and we’re almost and I’m really happy with what we have.”
Besides the movie’s principal actors, Benjamin Bratt, Armand Assante Nestor Serrano and Mili Avital, there are 350 who are have worked as extras. A few even have speaking parts. News Five caught up with some of the local stars after they finished a scene at historic St. John’s Anglican Cathedral.
Julie Valdez, Extra
“I wanted to do it cause this is something that I actually want to pursue later on as a career cause I’ve been doing it since I was small and I love it. That’s why I came to do it and I’m getting everything I could so it’s a good experience and I like it a lot, a lot.”
Estell Bood, Extra
“I was standing holding a conversation with the little girl here.”
Jacqueline Woods
“Why did you decide to become an extra?”
Estell Bood
“When did I decide? Oh, from Heart of Darkness times.”
Jacqueline Woods
“Tell us how rough it has been on you cause I know you guys would be on the set for hours on end. How rough has that been?”
Estell Bood
“No it hasn’t been rough, it was alright.”
Charles Rowley, Extra
“It’s excited about it. It’s my first time you know.”
Jacqueline Woods
“You holding up? You guys have to wear long sleeved shirts and overalls, you holding up pretty well in this heat?”
Charles Rowley
“Yes, I have to look like in the 30’s.”
Jacqueline Woods
“What do you think about the costumes?”
Charles Rowley
“It’s alright, it’s appropriate enough to suit the occasion.”
Addy Castillo, Extra
“Well Silvana called David Monday night, but he was out and I called her back and she says I have a part for David then she says do you want to be in the part? And I said sure and that’s how we’re here, cause Silvana asked us to be here and we wanted to be part of the exciting new movie in Belize.”
Jacqueline Woods
“It’s hot out here and there are so many take that you guys have to do, how rough has it been?”
David Engerson, Extra
“It hasn’t been too rough. It’s a little breezy, so it isn’t too hot, but it’s quite comfortable.”
Jacqueline Woods
“What did you all have to do?”
David Engerson
“Just basically walk, hold hands and be a little romantic.”
Ferland says despite the weather and long hours the extras exercised a lot of patience and did their parts well.
Guy Ferland
“We’ve been working them pretty hard you know, like everybody. So I’m sure everyone’s pretty surprised how hard it is to make a movie. We’ve just been up all night filming.”
Jacqueline Woods
“The weather has not been affecting your guys?”
Guy Ferland
“No. It’s just been very hot and windy.”
Some actors agree with their director that shooting in Belize has been a wonderful experience.
Mili Avital, Actress
“This is my first time in Belize and I was really happy to discover this beautiful place that has so many different little islands. And just so versatile in terms of the way it looks and I love the people and I love the food and I love San Pedro.”
Simone Elise Girard, Actress
“Everybody is so nice here, I have to tell you. Really polite and nice and joyful, so that was a pleasure.”
Also on the scene was lead actor, Benjamin Bratt who is the film’s hero. Although we were told we could not film Bratt, the actor was kind enough to give Belizeans a big thank you on camera.
Benjamin Bratt, Actor
“Hey Belize City thank you for your hospitality and generosity. See you next time.”
“After the Storm” shows on USA cable tonight at 8:00 and then repeats at 10:00. We’ll be showing the film right here on Channel 5 Wednesday night at 8:00. Films previously shot in Belize include Dogs of War in 1980, Mosquito Coast in 1986, Caribe in 1987 and Heart of Darkness in 1993.”