Why is Marcos Osorio no longer with SIRDI?
Маrсоѕ Оѕоrіо is no longer the Dіrесtоr оf thе Ѕugаr Іnduѕtrу Rеѕеаrсh Dеvеlорmеnt Іnѕtіtutе (ЅІRDІ). Thе Ѕugаr Іnduѕtrу Соntrоl Воаrd reportedly ordered Osorio’s removal when he was informed that his contract will not be renewed. In an interview on Tuesday, B.S.I.L. Саnе Fаrmеrѕ Rеlаtіоnѕ Маnаgеr Оlіvіа Саrbаllо Аvіlеz said that the decision was made and alluded as to why Osorio will not return as Director of SIRDI. Avilez told the press that SIRDI is very important and in need of good research, which she believes is one of the things that the board is seeking. She directed the media to Gabriel Martinez for further questions about why Osorio is no longer with the SIRDI. The Opposition’s Abelardo Mai has taken to Facebook to condemn the board’s decision, describing Osorio as a professional and experienced agronomist. Mai alleges that Osorio’s termination may have come with support from G.O.B. When we caught up with chairman of the Orange Walk Branch of the Belize sugar Cane Farmers Association he too wasn’t happy that Osorio will no longer be at SIRDI.
Alfredo Ortega, O.W Branch Chairman, BSCFA
“I know that they have given a letter to Mr. Marcos Osorio who is the director of SIRDI in which they are saying that they are terminating his services or that his contract will not be renewed again. Really that puts another slap in the face in regards to the industry. As you know, SIRDI is arm that looks forward into the varieties and technical support to the farmers and they have had machineries that give services to the farmers. With this going on and without presenting a clear situation why this is happening, as a farmer I see it as a slap in the face rather than moving forward in a better direction where services and benefits can be granted to the farmers. This is only like a political move to remove people who work professionally and don’t side with political issues of any politicians. That is how I see things right now and it will really hurt the industry.”