What’s Next? Marriage Equality? Gender Identity?
With Section Fifty-Three being struck down by the Supreme Court and with the Court of Appeals reaffirming the Chief Justice’s ruling, what other LGBT issues are there? Well, there is gender identity and marriage equality. Around the world, members of the LGBT have been challenging the status quo and according to attorney Lisa Shoman, Belize will be no different. Looking into her crystal ball, Shoman expects a challenge that would result in marriage equality.
Lisa Shoman, Attorney for Caleb Orozco
“To mind the next fight and the next uproar will be over the issues that come up in the new decade having to do with things like identify, and marriage equality. But that is as far as I can tell you at this point. If you are using my crystal ball I’ll tell you that’s that new frontier. In as much persons who are LGBT or intersex wish to do the normal human thing of linking themselves in a union. I think that is going to be the next frontier and it is for those persons to take up that challenge. But I foresee that challenge coming and it is not just that. The other issue is identity; transgender persons. What do you do in terms of identity? Can you have yourself legally declared as one gender or another? Those things are all things that are coming in the world and they are happening. Belize will not be different. No challenge has started but I think or rather I should say it is my opinion that it won’t be too long before it is challenge because I do know of Belizeans who want to have the same opportunity that you and I have of being miserable in a civil union. So that is to come.”