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Apr 14, 2009

Police surveys reveal that there is too speeding

Story PictureStill on the Northern Highway, the Orange Walk Police Department is meticulously trying to monitor the speed of drivers travelling through the area. And when we headed north, today, we detected two checkpoints at Carmelita Village at mile forty-eight and the other near mile forty-four on the highway where in recent days there have been deadly accidents. Supt. Joseph Myvette says the survey shows that most if not all motor vehicles on the road are speeding.

Supt. Joseph Myvette, O.C. Orange Walk Police
“Over the long holiday weekend period, we did a traffic survey using the radar gun specifically targeting speeding. The officers were in civilian as we were just doing a survey. We tried to see how many people were speeding and a total of five hundred and fifty-two vehicles were targeted over an eight hour period over the four days and we found out that at the accident scenes, some of these vehicles were going as high as ninety-four miles per hour. These surveys were done in the afternoons between three and five when we know that the road is—the temperature is very high on the road which may lead to some blow-out.”

Duane Moody
“I know you also said that you targeted some buses. One was kinda high?”

Supt. Joseph Myvette
“During the survey, a total of thirty-four buses were also targeted. Of that thirty-four only two were within the sped limit. What we’re going to do though is certainly we’re going to refocus our highway patrols on that side of town leading towards Belize City as seemingly that is where the most accidents are occurring at this point in time.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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