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Apr 14, 2009

Highway accident injures family of 8

Story PictureTire blowouts have been attributed as the cause of recent traffic fatalities on the Northern Highway. And this past Monday morning eight persons survived what could have otherwise been another tragedy caused by a blowout. The three families were on their way home from an outing in neighbouring Chetumal when they experienced a blowout in the Biscayne Village between miles twenty-eight and twenty-nine on the Northern Highway. The white van in which they were travelling, flipped several times before coming to a stop on the road side. The passengers, members of the Scott, Zetina and Garnett families, all received various degrees of injuries. Investigating Officer, Corporal Edison Roches assessed the accident.

Cpl. Edison Roches, Investigating Officer, Ladyville Police
“Initial investigation is that this van was traveling from the direction do Orange Walk. They were coming actually from Chetumal and heading towards Belize City. Uupon arriving in that area between miles twenty-eight and twenty-nine, the vehicle suffered a rear wheel blow out. As a result of that, the vehicle overturned injuring all eight occupants.”

Duane Moody
“What is the classification of the injuries and who were those individuals that were injured?”

Cpl. Edison Roches
“These injured persons are all family members that were on a trip, a family outing. The classification of injuries, these people received injuries to the extent of a broken arm; others received minor abrasions to their bodies.”

Duane Moody
“Who are these people sir?”

Cpl. Edison Roches
“These people are Jaime Zetina, Maria Zetina, Edwin Garnett, Sarita Garnett, Natalie Scott, Vern Scott, Jamille Zetina and Nadia Scott.”

Duane Moody
“All of these individuals were adults?”

Cpl. Edison Roches
“No, there were six adults and two minors.”

While some of the injured persons remain hospitalized, Vern Scott and Edwin Garnett have been released from the K.H.M.H.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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