Longsworth’s Termination Becomes Effective February 1st
A press release from the Government says that Longsworth termination will become effective February twenty first, 2020, to allow him time to wrap up the affairs at the Consulate and hand over. As far as we know, another family member is employed at the Consulate in New York which is housed away from the Belize UN Mission and it is not known whether the work of the consulate will now be absorbed by the mission. Briceño finds the matter is comical because he says that the Prime Minister received a draft report of the audit in 2019.
John Briceño, Leader of the Opposition
“I find it almost comical because the Prime Minister was talking about Donald Trump where is is no quid pro quo but obviously there was a quid pro quo with Herman Longsworth. He told him don’t run in Albert so that Tracey Taegar can run and then I am going to give u plush job in New York City. Herman gave up Albert and then the Prime Minister gave Herman a plush job in New York. The Prime Minister likes to boast that he acts when something happens but I want to call out the Prime Minister. This report, he got the rough draft over a year ago. He had the full report from October. Now all of a sudden, because it went to the House and we were talking about it and the media was covering now he is saying that he is going to fire Herman Longsworth when he knew all along what was going along. You question yourself, why now? Is this a distraction? He does not want us to talk about the two U.D.P. Cabinet Minister that have been named in this case where an American is accused of stealing over five hundred million dollars. A distraction that it won’t cause a problem within is cabinet? Could it be that he is trying to protect one of his favorite ministers that he is supporting to be leader and by releasing these reports then it also put heats on the other ministers. It makes you question, what is his motive behind all of this.”