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Dec 21, 2000

Wide selection of books for holiday gifts

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There are three more days to go before Christmas and if you are still not sure what gifts to buy you might want to consider a book. Belizean authors and publishers have been putting out a steady stream of literature for several decades now and the selection is better than ever.

Alberto Young, Public Relations, Angelus Press Ltd

“We still believe that although Belizeans don’t read a lot, we are here to promote and see that there is always an inventory of locally published books by Belizeans as well, about Belize for the Belizean public. I think it’s important for a company like the Angelus Press, which has been in existence for over a hundred years, and primarily started out publishing, to continue in that tradition of publishing locally done books.”

Jacqueline Woods

“Sonia lets look at the locally published books that you all have for sale which would make perfect Christmas gifts.”

Sonia Bainton, Retail Store Supervisor

“We have “History of Belize”, cookbooks for those young married couples that want to cook their husbands a nice meal, we have “Auxiliary Cookbook”. We have Assad Shoman’s “Thirteen Chapters”, Evan X Hyde “X Communication”, “Struggle for Freedom”. Then if you want to give something folklore, we have “Characters and Caricatures”, “Pataki Full”, “On Heroes, Lizards and Passions.”

One pleasant surprise in this season’s crop is a novel entitled “Belize” by Carlos Ledson Miller and a photographic volume “Belize: Land Of The Free By The Carib Sea.” by Thor Janson.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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