Chester Williams: Police Presence Prevents Most Plane Landings
The Commissioner of Police acknowledges that every plane landing gives Belize a black eye and there have been three since the start of the year. But according to Chester Williams, based on the level of activity that is happening in drug trafficking within the region, Belize is still doing well.
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“We have had several instances where planes attempt to land and our presence cause them not to land and have to go and land elsewhere. Can imagine three tracks a night and we have a landing maybe once a month? We’re doing pretty darn good, but at the end of the day, people don’t want to see that. I don’t know what you mean by unabated because it is not that we’re not doing anything. We are doing what we can and I think that we are doing well. I do not foresee us becoming a place like Mexico where cartels practically own certain parts of Mexico. That is not going to happen. I think that our presence in certain areas have mitigated the issue of these landings significantly.”