Prime Minister returns from Mexico
Prime Minister Said Musa is back from Mexico City, where he represented Belize at Friday’s inauguration of Mexican president Vicente Fox. While there, Musa took the opportunity to hold bilateral talks with fellow heads of government and also joined other Central American leaders on Thursday for a special working session with the president-elect. Coming out of that meeting was a special initiative called the Plan Puebla Panama. The PPP is a regional effort to eradicate poverty from Puebla, Mexico in the north to Panama in the south. The first technical meeting of the PPP will be held in a month’s time with all seven countries represented, along with the IDB and Central American Bank for Economic Integration. Prime Minister Musa was joined in Mexico by Minister of Budget Planning Ralph Fonseca and Ambassador Sal Figueroa. Fonseca made it back to Belize in time to greet Colombian President Andres Pastrana, who made a brief stop at the airport on his return from Fox’s inauguration.