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Nov 13, 2000

Chinese raise $7,000 for hurricane relief

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On Saturday the Chinese Community in Belize got together for a worthy cause–the raising of funds for Hurricane Keith. But it was the way in which the money was accumulated that made the event special. Yao Ling Shi said the Chinese craft fair was well attended.

Yoa Ling Shi, Taiwanese Community

“We collected over seven thousand and later we will donate this amount to victims of Hurricane Keith.

“It was great, wonderful! With the Taiwanese and Chinese communities and with the special co-operation of the Taiwanese Embassy, Ambassador Tsai and Madam Tsai. Wonderful.”

“Before nine or eight-thirty, people came to visit the fair and at the end of the day we had one to two thousand people so we were very excited.”

Yao told News Five that the money raised will be presented later this week to the Belize Red Cross Society.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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