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Mar 30, 2020

Attorney Arthur Saldivar Charged for Spreading False News

Arthur Saldivar

Attorney Arthur Saldivar is the second person to be charged for spreading false information in relation to COVID-19. The charge comes after Saldivar made a Facebook post on Saturday, claiming that a group of persons coming from Los Angeles, California, including someone who isn’t a national, were being facilitated entry into Belize through the northern border.  Saldivar also made mention that the group was being assisted by a U.D.P. politician. He was subsequently arrested and charged on Saturday night. On Sunday, police stated that as a result of Saldivar’s post, other social media users started to share the statement which “tended to create a public alarm.” On Sunday night, Saldivar said online that some officers had jumped his fence when they went to arrest him at house and that the incident had caused harm to his children.  That video has, however, been removed.   Today, ACP Joseph Myvett shared a few details on the incident and answered questions from the press about that charges.


ACP Joseph Myvett, Head, National Crimes Investigation Branch

“On Saturday, the police while browsing came upon a facebook post in the name of an account belonging to Arthur Saldivar. As a result, an investigation was conducted where he was detained and later arrested and charged for spreading false news and he was thereafter granted bail to appear in court. The issue, which I will not go into detail, was regarding persons being allowed into the country from the northern border including Belizeans and non-Belizeans.”



“Sir, have police been able to completely disprove his post?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“Yes. An investigation was done, hence the reason why he was detained.”


Joseph Myvett

Andrea Polanco

“Sir, is it that police determine that this is spreading panic or is it that you receive reports that it is creating panic?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“What happen is that as a result of that post, there may have been several other posts in response to what was said. Hence, the reason that panic was created based on that first post.”


Andrea Polanco

“How do you determine really which post is creating panic because there are several persons, prominent persons, ordinary man and woman posting things on facebook making certain claims; how do you go about determining this is the one that we are going to hold responsible or to charge?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“Well, it’s usually the origin of those posts; the person who originally posts those information and based on the information that is seen, an investigation is conducted.”


Andrea Polanco

“Are you looking at charging anyone else? I would imagine that there are several posts on facebook, videos, right now – are you reviewing those others?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“Yes. We are. As you aware also that the first person was charged from last week from San Jose, Orange Walk. So, there are several others being sought by police in relation to these types of investigations.”



“How does police go about validating or invalidating these posts? Do you guys contact the relevant authorities? How does that work?”


ACP Joseph Myvett, Head

“At this point in time, police are posted across the country. There are police officers at the northern border where these activities are alleged to be happening. Police have stepped up their patrolling efforts and their interactions with certain communities. So, then an arrest is not immediately made then arrest is done before an arrest is made.”



“You guys have police sitting behind a desk, scrolling through social media? What does that look like?”


ACP Joseph Myvett

“No. The police does have an information technology unit and investigators of the crime investigation branch and other operational branches, whenever a complaint is made that would be a part of any investigation in relation to crimes committed.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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