Child abuses week raises public awareness
The observance of National Child Abuse Prevention Week November fifth through eleventh serves to raise awareness of this serious problem in Belizean society. Research information officer Zaida Young of NOPCA, says that the week’s activities will sensitize both adults and children.
Zaida Young, Information Officer, NOPCA
“The objective is to bring awareness to the community about child abuse and its effects and how far reaching it is and how real it is in our society. So we need to highlight this and that children are special and we need to highlight them for a week so that everybody understand how important they are.”
“We will be talking to kids about good touch and bad touch. We recently got some new puppets that we will be using in the school based programmes and we will have a open house on Wednesday from ten to three p.m.”
The week ends on Saturday with the “Pedal for Love,” which starts at two p.m. from the BTL Park and winds its way around the city. NOPCA’s Orange Walk and Punta Gorda branches will be staging their own simultaneous events.