BNN Writes to National Oversight Committee
In the Senate today, P.U.P. Senator Michel Chebat shared the contents of a letter written by the Senator for the Non-Governmental Organizations on behalf of the Belize Network of N.G.O.s. The letter, dated April twenty-seventh, was addressed to the National Oversight Committee which is chaired by Prime Minister Dean Barrow and Opposition Leader John Briceño. In the letter, B.N.N. tells the oversight committee that it supports the sixty-day extension of the state of emergency during which a recovery plan and process are to be formulated. The B.N.N. called for the implementation of new measures, including laws post COVID-19.
Michel Chebat, Lead P.U.P. Senator
“In truth and in fact we are all stakeholders. We all have an interest in surviving this COVID-19 and all the implications thereof. But the sad part Mr. President is that this government is using this pandemic for its own benefit instead for all the people in Belize. What we need is the truth. We need all the facts. And we need the Minister of Health to step up. If he is not able to do it, if he feels that he does not have the ability then it is time to give way for someone who does.”