Agriculture Minister Speaks on C.E.O. Resignation
C.E.O. Alpuche gave the required three months notice on his resignation. The matter was also raised today during the Senate hearings by Senator Chebat. But on leaving the Senate, Alpuche’s substantive boss, Minister of Agriculture Godwin Hulse did not wish to confirm the motive for the C.E.O.’s sudden departure. Here is how that went in the Senate.
Michel Chebat, P.U.P. Senator
“Didn’t the C.E.O. in the Ministry of Agriculture just resigned over the debacle of the exportation of cattle and pigs?”
Michael Peyrefitte, U.D.P. Senator
“Mr. President on a point of order. Senator Chebat asked if he could refer to his notes, but Senator Chebat is reading. Anybody could type up a speech and come read you know Mr. President. You are suppose to stand on your feet and debate.”
Michel Chebat
“I guess the AG does not like what I am saying, Mr. President.”
Godwin Hulse, Senator for Government Business
“I want to put on the record that I as the Minister for Food and Agriculture and Immigration do not have any knowledge and I don’t think it is a fact even though we have heard it in the media that my C.E.O. has resigned over cattle export into Guatemala. I will say that because Mr. President we have worked well together in that ministry. I have an excellent outstanding team who continues to work continuously through this period.”