New Amendments to S.I. 62 of 2020
New state of emergency amendments have been made to Statutory Instrument number sixty-two of 2020, which allows for the reopening of a large number businesses in various categories. The Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte appeared on Ask the Experts webcast today to discuss the new amendments and what they mean for the public. Peyrefitte outlines all the businesses that are now allowed, by law, to operate from five in the morning until seven at night.
Michael Peyrefitte, Attorney General
“This is the law in terms of businesses, places of work. Five a.m., to seven p.m., fuel stations, fuel depots, LPG suppliers, LPG depots and LPG distributors. Agro-processors, food manufacturers and factories and manufactures of carbonated and other beverages, including spirits, which is liquor and soft drink. Agricultural and aquaculture farms; shrimp farms and agricultural farms. Fishing for livelihood and sustenance but not including sport fishing and leisure fishing. We still can’t sport fish and we still can leisure fish. We can only still fish for livelihood and sustenance. Waste disposal and sanitation companies and auxiliary personnel; productive sector industries personnel and auxiliary workers which is the production of drinkable water and agricultural workers. Markets for produce, fish and meat. Public transportation providers. Construction and construction sites. Local manufacturers, like welders, carpenters and stuff like that. Bakeries and tortilla factories. Those are the businesses that can open from five in the morning until seven in the night.”