Latest census shows 240,000 Belizeans
The first preliminary data has been released from this year’s census. On May 12th, the official census day, the population of Belize stood at 240,204. this compares to the previous census on May 12th, 1991, which showed that a little over 189,000 souls inhabited the jewel. the annual rate of growth over the 9-year period was 2.7%, a full percentage point higher than that which prevailed for the previous decade. Other major points of interest include the urban-rural split, which stayed at 48% urban and 52% rural. Orange Walk is still the nation’s second largest urban area, but San Ignacio is only 223 persons behind and gaining fast. Trial Farm, with 3,443 people, now is the largest village, beating out Ladyville by a slim margin of 8. And finally, the women of Belize may be surprised to learn that despite all their talk of “man shortage” there is in fact a 2,000 plus surplus of males over females. By the end of the year, the Central Statistical Office should have a comprehensive report ready for public release.