Salary Cuts at the Government-owned Digi
The cut backs are not exclusive to the domestic airline industry; every sector has had to make adjustments, including telecommunications. Over at Digi, a tiered approach to cuts in salary is being implemented; general staff are taking a fifteen percent cut, managers twenty percent and Heads of Departments twenty-five percent. This will initially last for three months starting in June, but with a revision expected in August, and it is unclear whether that could then mean restoration or more cuts. Now, B.T.L. is government owned so could this be a foretaste of what the public sector can expect in the future? B.T.L. is also looking at cut backs in other areas, including the very expensive showroom at the Mirab Store. The company has invested upwards of ninety-six million dollars in its network in recent years. For example: the fiber to home feature, whilst at the same time, its annual profit has already been rapidly reducing before COVID-19. The result is that the available cash had been reduced to such a low level that it has now been unable to maintain staff salaries for even a short period of time. There is also the unresolved issue of the GST payment to government of some twenty-five million dollars. The economy will take many months to rebound, and so it could be many tough months before the company is back to business-as-usual, whatever that is now expected to be.