Search for Drug Continues
B.D.F. soldiers and police officers remain in the area where a narco jet landed on Thursday morning. The jet, believed to be carrying drugs, crashed landed on a farm off the Chunox/Sarteneja Road in Corozal. Authorities had received information before the plane departed from Venezuela; however, police presence at the original landing site forced the pilot to land elsewhere. When police got to the crash site, the plane had been emptied and no one was found in the immediate area. Investigators are relying on two suspects from Orange Walk who are currently being interviewed. Commissioner Chester Williams says security forces will remain in the area in search of the drugs.
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“We have two persons in custody and those persons we believe are part and parcel of the mastermind behind the landing of the plane. They are being interviewed with a view to see if any useful information can be obtained from them to try and recover the content of the pain.”
Duane Moody
“Those persons were detained in the area?”
Chester Williams
“No they are not detained in the area.”
Duane Moody
“So it is police intel that led you guys to them?”
Chester Williams
“Yes. We have the water ways secured by Coast Guard If it is that they had used the water ways then the Coast Guard would have intercepted them. May I say that we had received pre-information from when the plan departed out of Venezuela and we would normally do we dispatched officers to various locations where we anticipated the plan would have landed. And I would want to think that the presence of the teams in those areas was what force to the plane to go and land at a secondary location and that is what basically caught us off guard. Nonetheless, we are still doing our best with a view to see if we can find the cargo.”