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Oct 26, 2009

P.U.P. agrees to keep the peace over party assets

Story PictureBoth the P.U.P. and the U.D.P. had a busy weekend. While the P.U.P. headed west, the U.D.P. executive met in the city on Saturday. In the west, the contentious issue of ownership of the Belize Times, Independence Hall and Positive Vibes Radio, was ventilated. The assets, which were considered to belong to the P.U.P., turned out to be primarily in the name of the former Prime Minister, Said Musa and Ralph Fonseca, the former campaign manager. This had been a particular irritant to the leadership of John Briceño and on Saturday an agreement was reached to transfer the assets. News Five’s Jose Sanchez reports from Cahal Pech.

Jose Sanchez, Reporting
The executive of the P.U.P. met at Cahal Pech Resort in San Ignacio. Among the first to arrive was Former Prime Minister Said Musa, accompanied by sons Henry Charles and Karim. The meeting was to discuss Musa’s demand for complete payment or return of the assets, but that did not deter him from shaking hands while in the Lion’s den.

Soon after, current Party Leader John Briceño arrived followed by Narda Garcia and Francis Fonseca. Cordel Hyde and Mark Espat arrived later. And after the brief frivolities, the twenty-five member executive headed down to the conference room to figure out who would ultimately possess the assets. Briceño and Musa sat at opposite ends of the room.

Children basked in the sun and swam in a hilltop pool atop Cahal Pech Village. The replica of Pterodactyl, a carnivorous but extinct bird overlooked the building while the executive engaged in a gentleman’s combat with the former PM in the conference room below. At the end of the day the leader of the opposition read a formal statement of unity.

John Briceño, Leader of the Opposition
“The party’s executive reaffirmed the party’s commitment to the philosophy of the P.U.P., which at its core commits to social justice and also agreed to include in its creed, economic and environmental justice. The People’s United Party express series concern over the deteriorating state of the Belizean economy and the U.D.P.’s continued victimization of Belizeans. Likewise, the party also agreed that all Belizeans have the right to own a piece of land and that the U.D.P.’s decision to deprive Belizeans of their right to ownership of property is immoral and vindictive and calls on the U.D.P. administration to immediately cease and desist from this action.”

The news of the assets came at about two-thirty in the afternoon.

The executive also discussed the matter of the assets referred to as the party assets and unanimously agreed that the assets, namely the Belize Times, historic Independence Hall and Vibes Radio, formerly Positive Vibes, be transferred to a trust to be managed by party representatives with the settlement of these assets to be determined within a period of five years.”

Jose Sanchez
“The relationship you had with the party has been contentious so far. Can you confirm now that you will work fully with the P.U.P.?

Said Musa, Former Prime Minister/Party Leader
“Ever since the honorable John Briceño was duly elected at a national convention to choose a new party leader after I had stepped aside, there has been no dispute about that. He is the leader, I fully support him and will continue to do so. Now the recent issue, you’ve heard that we’ve reached a clear understanding and settlement today of the matter. And so there should be only a way going forward now for the People’s United Party.”

Jose Sanchez
“So only one PUP?”

Said Musa
“One PUP; it’s always been one PUP.”

Jose Sanchez
“You mentioned the assets? Does the party still have to pay for that?”

Said Musa
“We have agreed on a way forward on that issue, yes.”

Jose Sanchez
“Any specific time frame?”

John Briceño
“We have a five year settlement same amount.”

Jose Sanchez
“The same amount?”

John Briceño

Jose Sanchez
“The letter you sent for payment, was it really necessary? Couldn’t there have been a gentleman’s agreement?”

Said Musa
“Well, we can disagree about that, that whether it was necessary or not. But that is behind us now.”

Jose Sanchez
“Without malice?”

Said Musa
“Without malice.”

So to keep the party together for now, the decision is to defer payment of the assets until the next five years. Reporting for News Five, Jose Sanchez.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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