Girl Guides return from Mexico
Eight Girl Guides and their leaders have returned home after attending an international workshop in Cuernavaca, Mexico. The gathering included guides from the U.S., Canada, Netherlands Antilles, Argentina, Japan, Poland and Mexico. We met with a few of the delegates this morning at the Guides Hut in Belize City.
Veronica Jones, Guides Leader
“We learned to interact with others, socialise and we also learn to share. We learned that in this world we shouldn’t be selfish and we should give a little of our time to help others, especially those less fortunate than us. We had arts and crafts as the display showed and we also did a service project and this was the main thing in that we taught some children about dental hygiene and this was well received because the children were very enthusiastic. Some of them haven’t, know or learn anything about this sort of thing, so we taught them through a song.”
Lisa Young, Girl Guide
“It was enjoyable meeting other people and to see how the Girl Guides Association is strong in other countries besides ours. We learned to speak different languages and different games from them and we learned a little about their tradition”
Janelle Kuylen, Girl Guide
“I learned that they live differently from how we are accustomed to living here in Dangriga. I met friends from North Carolina and I found out that they were accustomed to cold weather and we are accustomed to hot. They found it difficult to adjust to the weather in Mexico and they wanted to visit Belize too.”
Of the eight Guides who went to Mexico, five were from Belize City and three hailed from Dangriga.