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Jul 26, 2000

Guardian Life sets up shop

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Guardian Life, one of the Caribbean’s largest life insurance companies, last night formally inaugurated its operations in Belize. While the Trinidad based company begins its involvement here after purchasing the portfolio of Mutual Life, a Jamaican insurer which became insolvent, its executives explained that it will quickly seek to expand the company’s operations. At a press breakfast this morning Guardian Holdings Executive Director Dr. Terrence Farrel cited the Belizean economy’s strong growth rate and potential for development as reasons for his company’s decision to aggressively pursue investments and marketing opportunities. Guardian’s Belize office will be headed by Sandra McKay and a staff, which consists entirely of females. When asked about the unusual situation, McKay told reporters that there was probably room for a few good men in her organisation and said she would welcome applications.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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