B.C.C.I. Concerned About Implications of P.B.L.’s Closure
The P.B.L. also welcomes the statement of the B.C.C.I. that was released earlier today. The Belize Chamber of Commerce is calling on the parties involved to go back to the negotiating table for a resolution to the ongoing dispute. B.C.C.I. states that the disruption of activities at the port is having a serious impact on the economy since vessels have not been able to discharge cargo or receive Belizean exports in order to earn much needed foreign exchange. The B.C.C.I. notes that the economy is already fragile due to COVID-19 pandemic and the further damage caused by the business community’s inability to rely on efficient and consistent port services from the country’s primary port will make recovery much more difficult, putting jobs, investments and livelihoods at serious risk. The B.C.C.I. urges the parties to follow the established legal processes under the Labour Act to ensure amicable outcomes. A release states that Belize needs a fully functional P.B.L and the P.B.L. needs the right mix of labour to remain viable and functional.