Yhony Rosado: “Somebody is Trying to Blackmail Me”
On Thursday, screenshots of WhatsApp conversations surfaced in respect of the chaotic incident at the Port of Belize Limited last Wednesday when striking staff members of the P.B.L. went on a rampage and the GSU was called in to bring the situation under control. The gist of the messages centres around the bus that was parked at the entrance of the Port, for which tour operator Yhony Rosado took ownership, saying it had been stolen. Now, the messages involve C.W.U. President Evan “Mose” Hyde, FECTAB President David Almendarez and the Feinsteins of the Stakebank Cruise Tourism Project, which has been heavily supported by the folks at FECTAB. Now, one of the messages says that forty thousand dollars was being sought for damages to one of the buses. That payment, we are told, was not made. Rosado told the media one day after the protest that he will absorb the loss of his bus, which was set on fire, in solidarity with the terminated employees and the stevedores. Today, he invited the media to his house and tried to extricate himself from the messages.
Yhony Rosado, Former Member, FECTAB
“Just, no more than a month or a little over a month, there was a fleet of voice recordings let go, sprang out, leaked out, give me the words. And then who was the one crucified? Yhony Rosado. So we had an amount of voice recording leaked out and again, my voice only appeared then, not my name. The same thing with this amount of WhatsApp texts or whatever. I will not send David under no truck; Tom Greenwood—let them defend themselves like I am doing, but their names appeared there. I will not give an opinion. Let them answer for their own thing. But I am here because the thing leak out and you put it very clear and the public opinion is that it is Yhony and David. Show me where it says Yhony. In all that text that mark Yhony Rosado, “Tom, please call me?” It is from three months before. They just put it together; they had to delete a whole pile of things to put it into one, screenshot it. So somebody is trying to blackmail me, blackmail FECTAB, blackmail David, but somebody that is not working alongside with FECTAB, with Feinstein.”