Guns for Freedom?
Mayflower resident Sandra Uter says that Police Commissioner Chester Williams has a vendetta against her family. According to Uter, five of her family members were detained in early June under the State of Emergency regulations. They were first sent to prison for thirty days and their imprisonment was later extended for sixty days. Uter is alleging that Commissioner Williams with them on Wednesday, telling them that they if they want to be release they well need to hand in a firearm. Uter says that they don’t have any firearms to produce and the Commissioner’s alleged request violates their rights.
Sandra Uter, Mother
“You have five of my family members that were sent up on the sixth of June pertaining S.O.E. Anyway, my daughter was included in it because of a statement she made, posted it pertaining to a quote that Kareem Musa gave and she repeated and it looked like that offended Chester. So it ended that he said that she will be send to jail for thirty days. When that thirty days expire it was extended to sixty more which is now a total of ninety days. Yesterday in a meeting that was held between the same family members at jail, they told them that they have to give in three guns. Now they went up there again today and told them that he will come for them if they give him a gun if they don’t give him a gun they will spend there a whole year pertaining to this same incident. Now I want the Minister of National Security, Humans Right Commission and I want everybody step in and tell me if this not a violation of human rights because they did not commit any offence for them to be in jail none at all. It is just a vendetta that he has against my family members and I want it stop because this is unfair. They don’t do anybody that. The ones that are doing a lot of simpleness that are running around with guns like it is the wild wild west back here. Whole the of weekend that go and had big brawl, they just took them yesterday because people started to complain pertaining to things that they were doing around here. Nobody around here are committing any offence on the street. Everybody keeps their corner but because they don’t want to hang with them they beat up the young boys and talk about kill this one and kill that one, point gun on people’s face and all of those stupidness. But I want they know anytime they kill any of my family members it will be a different scenario. I said that.”