Cyber Crime Bill is Passed in Senate
This morning, the upper house also passed the Cyber Crime Bill which was met with unanimity on both sides of the floor. That piece of legislation criminalizes activities online in which persons are targeted using electronic information, including videos and other images, and cyber bullying and online harassment.
Osmany Salas, N.G.O. Senator
“This, for too long people have gotten away with some horrific activities like sharing without the permission of people, some images and videos and others that really have affected and traumatized those that have been targeted. So I fully support this, thank you.”
Dr. Louis Zabaneh, P.U.P. Senator
“I join my other colleagues in thanking everybody who has worked so very hard to put this together. I do have a question though that concerns me and it works across the aisle. Let me give you a recent example, Mr. President, and then I‘ll ask your permission to read portions of the bill and also portion of our constitution.”