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Dec 2, 2020

Will M.O.E. Increase U.B.’s Subvention?

In July of this year, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education Doctor Louis Zabaneh lobbied for an increase in government’s subvention to the University of Belize. This was before the former Education Minister sliced UB’s subvention by twenty-five percent, from eleven million to eight point three million dollars. This placed the university in dire financial stress, especially since students were having difficulty in paying school fees. So now that he is the Minister of State in Education, we asked Doctor Zabaneh if the ministry now plans to increase the university’s subvention: 


Louis Zabaneh

Dr. Louis Zabaneh, Minister of State, Education

“It is all going to be a function on how our economy those. That is why we are focused very much on trying to revitalize the economy; bring back jobs to people so we can have that level of income into the government itself that would be there for us to start to take care of those expenses one more. We know that we are some months away even in the tourism sector trying to see our path there but it is going to be in reality a number of months before we can start to look back at those levels that were there before.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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