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Dec 2, 2020

Dr. Carol Babb Resigns as Chief Education Officer

Chief Education Officer Doctor Carol Babb has stepped down from her post after serving in that capacity for several years under former Minister of Education Patrick Faber.  That announcement was made via an internal memo sent out earlier today by the Ministry of Education.  But while Dr. Babb has come to the end of her tenure, there are others from the previous administration who are holding steadfast to their respective offices, having signed contract renewals ahead of the November eleventh general elections.   Those persons, described as activist U.D.P.s, are refusing to step down and are demanding compensation from government should they be summarily dismissed.  This morning, Minister Francis Fonseca spoke on the issue.


Francis Fonseca

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education

“That is a problem and a challenge across the public service and yes, there are issues like that in the Ministry of Education where contracts were given out months before.  In some cases, weeks before the election and many other types of contracts.  I can tell you, for example, that school bus contracts, bus run contracts as they call them, hundreds of these contracts were signed on November ninth, two days before the election.  So those are all being reviewed.  We’re going to get, of course, advice, proper legal advice from the attorney general’s ministry and we’re going to follow the law.  Due process will be applied, we’re going to follow the law and, you know, let the chips fall where they may.  But it is a challenge, it is a challenge.  Activist U.D.P.s are in ministries and we certainly welcome everyone who wants to work with the government if they are going to do so in a professional capacity.  We welcome their contribution to the work of the new government, but we will not allow anyone to undermine the work of our government.  So we’re looking at it, we’re reviewing everything and those decisions will be taken over the next few weeks.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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