PM attends IDB AGM in New Orleans
Prime Minister Said Musa is in New Orleans for the Annual General Meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank. Over the weekend sessions were held on confronting natural disasters, maintaining high standards of environmental protection for sustainable development and business competitiveness, and why a healthy economy needs a healthy, strong political system. As part of the AGM, which ends on Wednesday, today the IDB released its annual report. Projects in Belize include Hurricane and Disaster Preparedness, a loan of 30 million US dollars co-financed by the Caribbean Development Bank, the Modernization of Agricultural Health Programme, a 4 million dollar US loan, Modernization of Ports, a grant of one million US and Health Services Purchasing and Private Health-Care Providers project, which received a grant of almost one million US. The IDB is also holding its Youth Summit in New Orleans this week. Belize is represented by Cardine Coleman and Arthur Usher. They attended a seminar on technology, which looked at the need to connect schools in Latin America and the Caribbean to the internet.