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Dec 9, 2020

A Closer Look at the Labour Force Figures!

Wendy Benavides

A closer look at the labour force figures by sex show that males stood at sixty percent.  When analyzed by areas, eighty-two thousand are in urban centers while eighty-six thousand, five hundred and forty-two are in rural communities and make up fifty-one percent.  The level of joblessness by sex shows females are at seventeen percent and makes up eleven point six percent of those in the labour force without work.


Wendy Benavides, Statistician II, S.I.B.

“Preliminary results show that the national unemployment rate stood at thirteen point seven percent in September 2020. Belize District recorded the highest level of unemployment at fifteen point one percent within this district previous job holders lost their jobs inadministrative and supportservice activities, accommodation and food service activities and wholesale and retail trade and motor vehicle repairs. In contrast, the lowest levels of unemployment were seen in Orange Walk District at eleven point one percent. Toledo District which has traditionally recorded the lowest unemployment rate registered the second lowest unemployment rate at twelve point two percent. Note that the refined definition of employed mostly affected this district where the bulk of production of goods for household use is found, for instance, backyard farming or raising of poultry for family consumption.   Wholesale and retail trade contributed to the largest shares in employment in all districts except in Stann Creek and Toledo where they were more active in agriculture and related activities. It is noteworthy that the tourism industry after consistently being the first or second largest employment provider now falls to rank five. Most males held job in agriculture and related activities while most females were employed in government services.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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