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Dec 9, 2020

Will the Corozal Free Zone Re-open Before Christmas?

Jose Mai

The government wants the Corozal Free Zone to reopen before Christmas.  That is the plan, but the plan comes with a price which the stakeholders at the Free Zone will have to pay. Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise Jose Mai, accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Health and Wellness met with the Chamber of Commerce for the Corozal Free Zone to discuss a possible re-opening date.  The preferred date is before Christmas, but the businessmen at the Corozal Free Zone have not agreed to pay for the plan as explained by Minister Mai.


Jose Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security & Enterprise

“Yesterday, I understand that the business community, the businessmen, the Chamber in the Free Zone met to decide precisely the plan that we had developed. There is a cost to the plan so that is what they were discussing yesterday. I am certain by now they should have come up with a response if they will buy into the plan and if they will agree to reopen the Free Zone. I suspect that they will, that is my belief but again it is they who have that decision but by the end of today we will know.”


Hipolito Novelo  

“Do you expect that it will be more likely opened before Christmas?”


Jose Mai

“Well that was the objective, before Christmas is when everybody buys. That was the objective.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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