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Dec 9, 2020

Third Quarter Performance of the Agriculture and Livestock Sectors

During the S.I.B.’s press conference, Sabal delved into those numbers looking at how the different sectors performed. While the primary and secondary sectors recorded increases, the tertiary sector contracted by eighteen point six percent.  Within the primary sector, agriculture, hunting and forestry grew.  In the secondary sector, electricity saw a thirty-two point eight percent increase and water saw a decline of seven point one percent in consumption. Jacqueline Sabal of the S.I.B. gives us a closer look at how the agriculture and livestock sectors performed.


Jacqueline Sabal

Jacqueline Sabal, Statistician II, SIB

“Within the agricultural sector, sugar cane farmers experienced an extended crop as underdeveloped cane that couldn’t be harvested earlier in the year was able to mature. Additionally, compared to the dry weather conditions experienced in the third quarter of 2019, rainy weather during the third quarter of 2020 contributed to the rise in sugar cane deliveries increased from eight one point five thousand metric tonnes in quarter three of 2019 to one hundred and ninety three point two metric tonnes delivered in the third quarter of 2020. In the case of banana production, improved weather conditions coupled with an increase in acreage contributed to a twelve point eight percent increase in banana output. From twenty-two point nine thousand metric tonnes produced in the third quarter of 2019 to twenty-five point nine metric tonnes produced in the third quarter of 2020.   Now looking at the livestock industry, overall production decreased by eight point one percent. Poultry production which holds the largest weight distribution among the live stock commodities dropped by thirteen point three percent in the third quarter. On the other hand, cattle production grew by twelve point five percent while pig production also recorded an increase of three point two percent. Poultry producers struggled to meet market demand as one of the major plants temporarily halted production due to COVID-19; this resulted in a thirteen point three percent drop in poultry production. In total, ten point three million pounds of birds were slaughtered in the third quarter of 2020 compared to eleven point nine million pounds slaughtered during the third quarter of 2019. Cattle production grew during the third quarter from five thousand heads produced in 2019 to five thousand seven hundred heads produced in third quarter in 2020 due to a rise in local demand and exported cattle.”


The S.I.B. reports that a late crop of oranges harvested in the third quarter resulted in an increase in citrus deliveries which went from zero point eight metric tonnes to a significant eighteen thousand metric tonnes produced in the third quarter 2020.  Also, in manufacturing, beverage production went down by sixteen point three percent attributed to the lack of tourist and restrictions on bars. Beer production fell by twenty one point six percent and soft drink production is down by eight point six percent.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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