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Dec 9, 2020

The Giant Task of Rebuilding the Broken U.D.P.

Patrick Faber

The United Democratic Party, after being trounced during the November eleventh general elections, has commenced the mammoth undertaking of rebuilding from the ground up.  According to Party Leader Patrick Faber, the U.D.P. has heard the loud complaints of the electorate and is committed to reshaping the party in the years ahead.  He says that the task begins with putting together formidable slates to contest the upcoming municipal elections.


Patrick Faber, Party Leader, U.D.P.

“First of all, we tried to listen to what message the people sent on election day.  They said, “Listen, we want a party that is vibrant.  We want a party that is energized.  We want to see some fresh new faces and we want greater ideas from you.  As a party there are things that you need to put in check, things you need to rework, re-engage and that is what we’ve done.”  And I will say this on the public stage this afternoon, rebuilding this party is not going to be an easy task.  In fact, as we move forward there are some who of course may not be happy about some of the decisions that we make, but everybody is not going to be happy, but there are some things that we have to listen to and we cannot disregard.  And so, in putting together the shadow cabinet, we simply listened to those who have said, “Listen, I am somebody who wants to contribute to the party moving forward.”  There are many others who wanted to be a part of the shadow cabinet but could not be considered merely because they fear victimization from the government now and that allows me the opportunity to say that it seems to be on a rampage that people are being fired from their jobs, some of them are very relevant jobs to the operation of the government.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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