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Dec 11, 2020

Inaugural Parliamentary Address was Melancholic

P.M. Briceño’s address during this morning’s ceremony served a number of purposes, including a call to action for all Belizeans to continue adhering to all COVID-19 protocols.  The speech was delivered amid melancholy, following the passing of Dido Vega, but it also served to contextualize the economic and health and wellness state of affairs of the country.  We caught up with the prime minister on adjournment of the house meeting.


Prime Minister John Briceño

“It’s a somber moment actually, in my speech I wasn’t too triumphalist, I was more somber and trying to alert Belizeans to understand that we are in the midst of the worst crisis this country has ever seen, both health and economic and that the government can do everything as much as possible to fix things but if Belizeans do not participate, if they do not help, we are going to lose this battle and that‘s my message.  You have to help us, that is why we are telling people try to maintain your distance.  If you notice today, not even our families came because we wanted to give that example to show how serious it is.  For Christmas, please, no Christmas parties, you know, and we said for companies, we have our frontline workers that have been risking their lives and instead of spending it on parties let’s give something to our frontline workers.  Let’s show an appreciation for them and instead of throwing parties, give food to your neighbors, to people that don’t have.  Let’s share, let’s do everything possible for us to be able to go through this crisis, both financially and health-wise together and I believe and have every confidence that we are going to succeed.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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