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Dec 11, 2020

Corozal Bay Area Rep Dido Vega Dies from COVID-19

David Vega

This morning, news of Corozal Bay area representative David Vega’s passing spread like wildfire upon, learning that the recently elected politician lost his battle with COVID-19. The forty-seven-year-old career math teacher was intubated at a private hospital in Belize City since Saturday and despite hopes of recovery, he succumbed early this morning. The heartbreaking news of his death sent shockwaves across the country and especially so in Belmopan where at the grounds of the Assembly Building, his colleagues were taking the oath as parliamentarians during the inaugural sittings of the House of Representatives and Senate. News Five’s Duane Moody reports.


Duane Moody, Reporting

A moment of silence observed by parliamentarians at the inaugural sitting of the House of Representatives and the Senate in Belmopan for colleague and P.U.P. area rep for Corozal Bay, David Vega who has lost his battle against the deadly novel coronavirus.  The first-time area rep had been hospitalised at a clinic in Corozal for some time before his condition worsened. On December fifth, he was transported to the Belize Healthcare Partners in Belize City where he remained intubated until his passing this morning. Today, Vega would have taken the oath along with his colleagues – another step towards his goal which was to bring development to the people and division of Corozal Bay.


David “Dido” Vega, Area Rep. Corozal Bay

“My party gave me the opportunity to be their representative and now the people of Corozal Bay have given me their vote of confidence to go to Belmopan. There is nothing to celebrate about. There will be children going to bed tonight who didn’t have anything to eat for dinner; there will be homes that will get wet when the bad weather comes; there are people that cannot afford a laptop to do their school work. I sincerely believe that the work has just started. Yes we put in work to be elected, but the toughest task ahead is to make sure that the quality of life of our people in Corozal Bay and the entire Belize to be upgraded.”


This was the last interview with News Five given by Vega on the night of his victory in Corozal Town, having unseated the three-term former Minister of Health, Pablo Marin.  Back then, he characterised his victory as emotional, having lost his mother earlier this year.


David “Dido” Vega

“I am emotional because of three things. My grandmother was an avid supporter of the People’s United Party; I wish she was here and I think she would have been proud of me. My dad was proud of me when I went to school and lastly, my mom passed this year and I wish she would have been here with me. It’s a victory for her I guess; she is watching over me.”


He was a fighter and there was all hope that he was going to make a full recovery.  P.U.P. Party Leader and Prime Minister John Briceño says that even on his death-bed, Vega was thinking about helping his people.


Prime Minister John Briceño

“He was an exemplary teacher, he reached out to a lot of young people. He was always concerned and wanting to do things for his community. This is a true story. The doctor that was attending to him told me that the last thing that Dido told him – because he knows the doctor; they are both from Corozal – he told the doctor. I have to get out of here, I have to go dig some drains because some people are flooding. That’s just the kind of man that Dido was. That he was about his family, about his community and about his country; always wanting to serve. But God had other plans for him and as much as it pains us and it hurts us, we accept it.”


He was an avid sportsman and was loved by many.  Florencio Marin Junior, with whom he was very close, was able to hold back tears long enough to speak on the character of the man who was affectionately known as Dido.


Florencio Marin Jr., Area Rep. Corozal South East

Florencio Marin Jr.

“Is a son of the soil from Corozal Town. Dido grow up an active sportsman. Really he loved sports and he loved the town. And it really goes without saying – I know we always say it – but Belize and the Corozal Bay division have rally lost a champion. I can speak a little bit about his character; this guy, he was one determined fellow. I remember the first time he came to see me, he wanted to run, I told him, “Dido yo sure? This is a challenging career so it is just not for anybody.” He said I am as serious as when I wanted to go study and I had no money.”


Rigoberto Vellos

Rigoberto Vellos, Mayor, Corozal Town

“A close friend of mine; we campaigned together, shared ideas together, came together to have our own vision for Corozal Town and the Bay. A very hardworking man; he will surely be missed. Definitely, we need to feed off of his motivation because he was a very well motivated guy fighting for his people, being the voice of Corozal Bay.”


Other parliamentarians extended their condolences to Vega.


Michel Chebat, Area Rep., Cayo North East

Michel Chebat

“A sad moment for us all and we send out our sincerest condolences to his family and to all Belizeans who have lost a loved one during this pandemic.”


Francis Fonseca

Francis Fonseca, Area Rep., Freetown

“He fought with us in the trenches during this election and we are so deeply sorry for his loss and we extend our deepest sympathies to his family, to his wife, to his children and to the Corozal Bay community.”


Vega was a career math teacher, a father of two daughters and a husband. He died at age forty-seven. Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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