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Dec 15, 2020

Incorporating the Gender Approach in the Workplace

The Belize Crime Observatory partnered with the National Women’s Commission to assist forty-six professionals from across twenty different agencies working in addressing Gender-Based Violence to incorporate the gender approach in information management processes within their organizations.  The training had four objectives, including promoting a more comprehensive understanding of the importance of gender mainstreaming.  The participants successfully completed the eight-week course delivered remotely, which was initiated in August of this year.  The training was interactive and catered for participants to prepare and present joint analysis in areas such as human trafficking, cyber bullying; gender-based violence; gender inequality; and transforming knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of men as drivers of change.  At a short ceremony, Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries Kareem Musa presented awards to the top four participants.


Kareem Musa

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries

“The training was open to a wide range of stakeholders from both government agencies and civil society. A total of forty six participants, seventeen men and twenty nine women, talk about inequality from nineteen agencies created a rich and dynamic learning experience that exceeded all expectations. The interagency experience which entailed a weekly live webinar and self paced online learning with vibrant discussion forum enables participants to dialogue, debate and build a deeper understanding of the current framework from managing information with a focus on gender as well as looking at ways for better to raise the bar to ensure that information management systems adequately take into account he dimension that breed gender based violence. Participants were considered for a number of awards not just for their academic performance but also for their engagement, enthusiasm, commitment and dedication exhibited throughout the course. So in addition in celebration the top performer Justice Antoinette Moore who claimed first place for having obtained the top score. We also recognize Alva McDonald WPC for having been the most avid reader for the online documentation, Doctor Gwen Nunez Gonzalez for standing out as the most engaged thinker in the live and online forums and Lt Col. Louis Sutherland for being the most enthusiastic participant  and for continuing the championing the cause for gender equality by advocating for better  inclusion of women in decision making in the military.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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