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Dec 15, 2020

Elections and Boundaries Ready for Municipal Elections

Josephine Tamai

As you know by now, the municipal elections are scheduled to be held on the first Wednesday in the month of March, 2021.  So on March third, voters from nine towns and cities will once again go to polls to cast their votes. It is expected that the deadline for nominations will be around mid-February since, by law, there is a twenty-day period prior to the election date within which nominations must be done.


Josephine Tamai, Chief Elections Officer

“We are in the process of preparing for those municipal elections. It will be for all nine municipalities. As we speak, preparations are being made. We know with the challenges of COVID, again, we will put protocols in place in order for us to conduct the election. We need to look at the safety of public officers and the safety of voters as well, because that is also our number one priority. So we definitely will be having meetings again with the Ministry of Health in order to determine if there is any need for any change in regards to the process that we carried out before. We know that when it came to the protocols, we had strict protocols in place in terms of the voting process. So we intend to continue to maintain that and try to even do better this time around. When it comes to the date itself, we know that has been set so it is the third of March, 2021. When it comes to nomination day for municipal elections; again that is a date that the government will have to determine, but more than likely that will be just before the middle of February, which is not too far away.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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