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Dec 15, 2020

Voters’ List Likely to Increase

Corozal Bay was among the divisions that saw a high voter turnout; eighty-nine percent of the electorate came out to exercise their constitutional right. Back in November, some five thousand four hundred and sixty-two registered voters were eligible to participate in the general elections in Corozal Bay; that was the officially approved list of electors as of September eleventh. With an upcoming by-election, Chief Elections Officer Josephine Tamai says that it is expected that the voters list in that division will increase.


Josephine Tamai, Chief Elections Officer

“The persons who will be eligible to vote in the by-election will be the persons who are on the voter’s list as of nomination day. So again, that will be dependent on whenever the prime minister determines the day by-elections should be held. So we are just awaiting that information for us to be able to give additional information as to when the cut-off date actually will be because like I said, the cut-off date will be the persons on the list as of nomination day.”


Josephine Tamai

Duane Moody

“That would mean that the list of voters will change by that time.”


Josephine Tamai

“Right. The list of voters would have changed from the September list that we have.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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